الأربعاء، يوليو ٢٨، ٢٠٠٤

tell me who I am, my love
is it a broom in your closet ?
or a casserole in our kitchen ?
or just napkin on table ?
a blanket in your dream ?

oh..tell me who I am, my love
I am dusty with no eye on me

Blogged by Upay on ١:٢٦ م



I saw your tongue dancing in her mouth, darling
but you said,
you forgot, she wasnot me

I saw your eyes wildly snab her breast, darling
but you said,
you didnot know, she wasnot me

I saw your finger playing in her heart, darling
but you said,
I am your only queen

I saw myself drowning, darling
breathless in your cunning

I saw my soul has gone, darling
greedy drinking poison of your love

Blogged by Upay on ١٢:٣٩ ص



I am dead,

but noone bury my body
it's abandoned and rotten alone
be dust and fly
going up with the wind
gone with no hint

noone listen to my linger pain
noone even ever remember
that I ever exist
that I ever breath this world together
rejected pray I heard

all people I love, just walk away
pretend not knowing me anymore
I am dust now..
hop on your shoes
follow your step
day after day and day after day
and after day
ghost in your life

and you
never even notice

~ I am dead, and I am on you shoes, dear..

Blogged by Upay on ١٢:٠٣ ص



الثلاثاء، يوليو ٢٧، ٢٠٠٤

I am so damn lonely, my dear..
so damn lonely till can eat your fresh heart
drink your sweet blood
squeze those lung to piece

ah, I am so damn lonely, sweetheart
then hug you so tied
smell all of your scent
kiss you till you stop breathing

I am so damn, damn lonely, darling..
when I found you dead
on other people palm
looking up at sky
so empthy
so cold
pils everywhere...

so damn lonely..

Blogged by Upay on ١١:٥٧ م



السبت، يوليو ٢٤، ٢٠٠٤

I am Thorn, dancing in your heart, my love..
tango day and night to feel your breath,
step on your fragile soul
rip them all ..
as I suck to be my porridge

I am thunder in your soft house, my love
I crack the pot, I slap the nose
I puff the pule face
wide my wings..
as I entangled you to halusination

make your suffer as a honey cup
make your stupidity as movie strip
make my fire as your blanket
blind you with my dreamy whisper..


Blogged by Upay on ١٠:٤٤ م



الثلاثاء، يوليو ١٣، ٢٠٠٤

Being alone, doesnt have to be retarded..
if u have wing, u have to learn how to fly
if u have feet, u have to learn how to walk
if u have heart, u have to learn how to love

Being alone, doesnt have to be alone..
there always be one who you can share,
open ur eyes, open the sky
there you can find, what you most desire..

Blogged by Upay on ١١:٠٧ ص



الأحد، يوليو ٠٤، ٢٠٠٤

My today Pray

If you see me, God
nothing has changed
I am still begging you to take me home

dont get me wrong, God
dont either hate
I need your arm to grab my soul

as you see me, God
I am as weak as those flying dust
my time has past, my heart has dried

I see boys dance, I see girls gigles
but I dont see me in one of those faces

so, please God
I am begging you
take me home, take me rest

I lost my love, I lost my soul
I lost my pride, I lost myself

I am burnt now, with all Your words
surrender at feet, that's all I know

please, take me God
just take my soul
let it fly to eternity chapter

Blogged by Upay on ١:٤٢ ص



Morning has broken, Sun has clapped..
me neither waken, neither slept
hanging around wondering mind
get the answer, all people know

where's the star hiding..where's the moon
why everything's burn, everything flare
like my green leaf on the brown stone
all getting cold like dead spirit

where's the light, where's the wind
where's the tea, where's the mint
just silence sound, just static ring
when all I want just a warmer heart

why time has gone, why song has end
see me stiff, alone and suffer
whispering to shore louding to cave
gone down..to the edge of the impossible...

help me bunda, help me God..
take me out..take me high
dont let me down like falling star
just take my soul as fast it can
cos I miss you all and want to go home..


Blogged by Upay on ١:١٩ ص



dinner is cold, darling..

semangkuk sup di meja menungguku nikmat, sayang
dan sendu tangismu, buatku lelah

setelah perjalanan panjang penat kita
kuingin berbaur dengan bintang-bintang opera
dan kau, sayangku
tinggal saja di rumah.

tak ada selimut hangat yang kau minta,
kuharap, tutup saja jendela
kukan pulang, entah jam berapa
jangan tunggu..
karena kutau, kau takkan suka bau mulutku
penuh lipstik suka cita

Blogged by Upay on ١:١٢ ص



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