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الأحد، أغسطس ٢٢، ٢٠٠٤ smiling face,dancing in my heart running back to the hole of emptiness smiling face, burning up my monotonous life swelling my spirit bringing it alive again inspired by B.Love edited by Hugh
الأربعاء، أغسطس ١٨، ٢٠٠٤ A man,is the one you can count on his word is the one you can lie to without shame is the one you can sing with without discord is the one where you can fill your womb full of his seed and smile to keep it A man, is the one who lies to you gracefully is the one who builds your confidence on those fragile foundations is the one who says you're the prettiest of all the good-looking girls A man, saves his smile only for you saves his dignity only for your children and sleeps under your trusting wing..
~~~ aku cuma perempuan telanjang yang berlari menapaki jiwamu yang mati berbekal terali kesetiaan menumpuk pada titah jendela cahaya surga yang dijanjikan terawangi masa tanpa pelita ikuti derap yang tak kumengerti arahnya. Aku cuma perempuan telanjang Yang meringkik ketika kau suguhkan permata Dan mengendus-endus kakimu saat luka hatiku bernanah Merengek siraman madu baluri kerontang gurun musim ini Hirupkan serutan berbisa pada jantung kehidupanmu Berlenggok-lenggok bagai penguin Hadirkan birahi naluri keringmu Yang tanamkan jutaan dendam Pada dinding-dinding malam
الاثنين، أغسطس ١٦، ٢٠٠٤ I am just a little fox dancing in your yard, darlinghow can I know about your happiness? when you scold me, I think you are angry with me but you say you're just scared I am just a little fox dancing in your yard, darling how can I know about your life? when you pull the trigger and shoot me you say you just want to save your only daughter and your hand shakes when you find me bleeding staring empty-eyed at your drained face I am just little fox dancing in your yard, darling watching you and feeling so blessed but you give me no chance just a bullet to my heart edited by Hugh
~~~ A little Fox I am a little fox running in your yard trying to play, but you shoot me dead.. I am a little fox you havent a chance to know me better you just pull the trigger abonded my smile... I am just a little fox who wants to know you better and share a friendly moment but you have angry eyes.. and mess my blood into the ground... I am just a little fox, who dreams of your smile and of my life feeling better -- friendly like a puppy in other people's yards.. I am just, I am just a little fox.. what did I do to deserve this? all I want is to dance to your music to share love and life and no promises and well.. now I am just a dead little fox... please bury me, dont kick me I don't smell, I won't harm you I am just a little fox and I miss my mom edited by Hugh
السبت، أغسطس ١٤، ٢٠٠٤ LongingDon't send me flowers, my love just send your kiss cos these lips are burnt and a red rose alone can't heal them any more don't send me letters, love just send your embrace cos this heart is dried out and words alone can't moisten it any more don't send your poems, my love just send your breath cos this room is cold and neither fire nor storm can make it warm don't send your longing, love just send yourself don't send your hollow whisper, just come and fill me edited by Hugh
الخميس، أغسطس ١٢، ٢٠٠٤ Aku,Kelakar pagimu hari ini, sayang Merenda kenangan pada lembut pandangmu Tango dalam derap nafasmu Sirami jiwamu dengan jutaan kuntum Dari taman-taman hatiku Yang kerap berdawai bersama angin Aku, manik jingga pada matamu, sayang yang berlenggok bersama harapan senjamu mengerjap elok dalam tiap degup jantung iringi tiap gerak juangmu menatap pelangi yang urung sembunyi dalam jiwa-jiwa yang tenang mengalir bersama denting kicau alam
~~~ Gerimis pertama bulan ini Jatuh satu satu Menebar pengap aroma debu Naik ke dahan menggapai rontang daun kering Membilas keruh harapan Menganyam kembali cita yang pernah runtuh Satukan keping Terbitkan rona pada kembang-kembang kusut Gerimis pertama bulan ini Menutup mata, menggelembungkan warna Membawaku bertapa pada kerut jiwa yang mati Bawaku geliat dari tidur monokrom Abu-abu dan pekat Bangkitkan teduh yang terbang Tuai kembali pucuk-pucuk hijau Pada subuh yang dingin Pada titik embun Yang malu-malu tersenyum.
السبت، أغسطس ٠٧، ٢٠٠٤ My Kinky boyfriendDo you want to know my boyfriend, dear? He's a kinky guy with kinky hair but he dumped it and made it straight.. You know why, dear? Because he hates to be born into a race where kinky is pride Do you want to know my boyfriend, dear? He's a kinky guy with kinky attitude He loves being weird and trying his luck coasting around seeking victims and when he's done he drinks their blood. Do you want to know my boyfriend, dear? He's a kinky guy with kinky ways He seduces you with flowers then sucks your pride and when he's done he just leaves. Ah, my kinky boyfriend?s still alive anyone want to take him for a ride? He won?t mind for a coin or two cos his grace can only dance in his cock and he will laugh as he reads your mind and makes his moves in a ritual journey a heavenly smile as you take him on your knee. My kinky boyfriend -- ah dear kinky boyfriend I put your flower in the stinky toilet happily living in tainted fragrance edited by Hugh
~~~ Me I am a diabolical dwarf dancing with my sword tongue haunting you with dreadful dreams sending you nightmare days stealing your shadow driving you to eternal sorrow laughing in your tight-shut eyes till you stop breathing edited by Hugh
~~~ You dragging me down so useless haunted me with your unborn child playing me as a flute spread a callous feeling around my neck You dragging me down so useless telling me nite and day pethatic heart you ever had building me a sorrow monument for me to live till I die You dragging me, dragging me so useless tear this only heart to piece and laughing at it with hungry smile but you forgot one thing, dear this heart no shadow anymore and you dragging me, dragging me so useless
~~~ I pull you out shredded hear your shriek, slowly gone.. loosing shrewness follow your hollow finding you shrink on palm of grey leaf I pull you out shredded hear your shriek, slowly disappear as my soul faded on your tenobrous heart hug your hatred, lick your tear blame for time that gave us chance I pull you out shredded and let me drowned to the bottom being a ghost to your death flying singing a touchy song...
الخميس، أغسطس ٠٥، ٢٠٠٤ Rotten NailI need you.. but I have no voice to call have no foot to walk have no hand to reach have no lips to talk have no heart to feel I am lying down with centipede in dark room alone where no light, no air loosing my own soul just still like a rotten nail
الأربعاء، أغسطس ٠٤، ٢٠٠٤ I am dancing on the floor, alonewith no music as a friend to rhyme so static so emphty blunted with my own breath freely face the world settle in the dark of your heart lurking piece of sanity searching for my shadow I am dancing on the floor, alone sing your dreams faded in your emphty eyes cringe to your dead soul see nothing but your busy hand smarten your curly hair since morning till dark come
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Picture by AC Barnes