الاثنين، سبتمبر ٢٧، ٢٠٠٤

silence morning,
broken sky,
all freak out, but only mute ..
devastated stones around your soul
freely dancing with your dumb heart

why hatred still singing
why longing still alive
when you step on this sacred place
and nothing less left behind..

longing soul, longing heart
why do you keep the secret alives
longing soul, longing heart
where is the cheers that keep you shining ?
is it all stolen ?

Blogged by Upay on ٦:٠٩ ص



السبت، سبتمبر ٢٥، ٢٠٠٤

once a crash come to my heart,
that crash burn all believes inside
left all doubts on my way ahead
make me wonder, should I walk thru
or should I just be still..

once a crash come to my heart,
tornado that shreded all phalics
left all desparation and losing soul
make me wonder, should I bear it
or just here, blaming my stupid move

Blogged by Upay on ٨:١٦ م



الأحد، سبتمبر ١٢، ٢٠٠٤

I want you to stab me right in my heart, darling
instead of these lies all the time
it will be nicer
cos I'll see your face
when you force your hand thru me
and I'll feel only the pain of stabbing
and suddenly I'll lose the oxygen
it will be nicer
cos I'll remember only you, the man I love
I'll only cry for the chance we missed
my only regret the sins we committed
and then I'll let the fairies pluck my soul
and leave you with bloody hands.

I want you to stab me right in my heart, darling
so I can see your face as you plunge your knife into me
see a smile or twisted hatred
see your tears or just a hiss
it will be nice, and the nicest thing
dying will be at last I'll learn the truth
and know at last what I mean to you

edited by Hugh

Blogged by Upay on ١:٢٨ م



الأربعاء، سبتمبر ٠١، ٢٠٠٤

The trouble with love

Once, I was thinking that love has never been for me
Then I heard it called my name,
I was still thinking, it wasn’t for me..
Till it shreded me to piece
Crowned me with foolishness
Took my pride off
Convinced me that it wasn’t for me
and never will be for me.

Blogged by Upay on ١١:٠٦ ص



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